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Well, this part of the site will have the meanings, definitions etc of anything in any of Chris' creations.

By that, I mean things like the titles of episodes; like for example Memento Mori, The Post-Modern Prometheus etc. Or the titles of songs; like 'Teotihuacan' by Noel Gallagher (from the Fight The Future soundtrack). You get the picture. Read on!

Episode Titles:

The Erlenmeyer Flask:
Main Entry: Er·len·mey·er flask
Pronunciation: '&r-l&n-"mI(-&)r-, 'er-l&n-
Function: noun
Etymology: Emil Erlenmeyer
Date: circa 1890
: a flat-bottomed conical laboratory flask

Main Entry: ni·sei
Pronunciation: nE-'sA, 'nE-"
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural nisei
Usage: often capitalized
Etymology: Japanese, literally, second generation, from ni second + sei generation
Date: 1929
: a son or daughter of Japanese immigrants who is born and educated in America and especially in the U.S.

Main Entry: syz·y·gy
Pronunciation: 'si-z&-jE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -gies
Etymology: Late Latin syzygia conjunction, from Greek, from syzygos yoked together, from syn- + zygon yoke -- more at YOKE
Date: circa 1847
: the nearly straight-line configuration of three celestial bodies (as the sun, moon, and earth during a solar or lunar eclipse) in a gravitational system

Main Entry: apoc·ry·pha
Pronunciation: &-'pä-kr&-f&
Function: noun plural but singular or plural in construction
Etymology: Medieval Latin, from Late Latin, neuter plural of apocryphus secret, not canonical, from Greek apokryphos obscure, from apokryptein to hide away, from apo- + kryptein to hide -- more at CRYPT
Date: 14th century
1 : writings or statements of dubious authenticity
2 capitalized a : books included in the Septuagint and Vulgate but excluded from the Jewish and Protestant canons of the Old Testament -- see BIBLE table b : early Christian writings not included in the New Testament

Main Entry: her·ren·volk
Pronunciation: 'her-&n-"fOk, -"folk
Function: noun
Usage: often capitalized
Etymology: German
Date: 1940

Main Entry: Tun·gu·ska
Pronunciation: tu[ng]-'gü-sk&, t&n-
Usage: geographical name
any of three rivers in central Russia in Asia, tributaries of the Yenisey: Lower Tunguska, Stony Tunguska, & Upper Tunguska (lower course of the Angara)

Memento Mori:
Main Entry: me·men·to mo·ri
Pronunciation: m&-'men-tO-'mOr-E, -'mor-E
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural memento mori
Etymology: Latin, remember that you must die
Date: 1596
: a reminder of mortality; especially : DEATH's-head

Tempus Fugit:
Main Entry: tem·pus fu·git
Pronunciation: "tem-p&s-'fyü-j&t, "tem-pus-'fü-git
Usage: foreign term
Etymology: Latin
: time flies

Main Entry: Geth·sem·a·ne
Pronunciation: geth-'se-m&-nE
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek GethsEmanE
1 : the garden outside Jerusalem mentioned in Mark 14 as the scene of the agony and arrest of Jesus
2 : a place or occasion of great mental or spiritual suffering

Main Entry: re·dux
Pronunciation: (")rE-'d&ks, 'rE-"
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin, returning, from reducere to lead back
Date: 1873
: brought back -- used postpositively

The Post-Modern Prometheus:
Main Entry: Pro·me·theus
Pronunciation: -thE-&s, -"thyüs
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from Greek PromEtheus
: a Titan who is chained and tortured by Zeus for stealing fire from heaven and giving it to mankind

Main Entry: bio·gen·e·sis
Pronunciation: "bI-O-'je-n&-s&s
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin
Date: 1870
1 : the development of life from preexisting life
2 : a supposed tendency for stages in the evolutionary history of a race to briefly recur during the development and differentiation of an individual of that race
3 : the synthesis of chemical compounds or structures in the living organism -- compare BIOSYNTHESIS
- bio·ge·net·ic /-j&-'ne-tik/ adjective
- bio·ge·net·i·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb

The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati:
Amor: Love
Fati: Was not in the dictionary, but i assume it means fatal, or something similar.

Main Entry: re·qui·em
Pronunciation: 're-kwE-&m also 'rA- or 'rE-
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin (first word of the introit of the requiem mass), accusative of requies rest, from re- + quies quiet, rest -- more at WHILE
Date: 14th century
1 : a mass for the dead
2 a : a solemn chant (as a dirge) for the repose of the dead b : something that resembles such a solemn chant
3 a : a musical setting of the mass for the dead b : a musical composition in honor of the dead

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

References In Dialogue:


Teotihuacan (Song: Noel Gallagher: The X-Files Fight The Future Soundtrack):
Ancient commercial and religious center, 30 mi (48 km) NE of Mexico City, of an influential civilization that flourished between A.D. 300 and 900. The largest and most impressive urban site of ancient America, it is laid out in a grid and dominated by the Pyramid of the Sun. Other notable buildings include the Pyramid of the Moon and the Temple of QUETZALCOATL. The people of Teotihuacin brought sculpture, ceramics, the carving of stylized stone masks, and mural painting to a high degree of refinement. Their designs indicate a complex religious system. At its peak the city's population was over 100,000.

The Disclaimer Dance: Some (or most of) the pictures or text on this site may be copyright (c) Twentieth Century Fox or Ten Thirteen Productions. They are merely meant as a homage to the great Chris Carter, not as a replacement for any of the shows or films mentioned. Hey, don't sue me; I'm a student and have no money to give you. :)